Stealin From Arsenio--Just a few things that make me go "hhhmmm..."

Why is it that:

Hood Love
1. Why does it have to be on public display?
2. Why can't it stay confined to its address?
3. Why does it have to be loud?
4. Why is it not real without an audience?
5. Why does it seem to always come with somebody gettin' lumped?
6. How does it last so long when it always seems to be plagued?
7. Do my Hood neighbors, who're outside having their nightly block party, even know that there are issues President Obama is addressing tonight, or has nothing really changed and they have no reason to care?

1. Why do they bother to have 4 registers and only 1.5 working cashiers at a time?
2. Why are they havens for old people and teenagers? Where do the people between that age group with poor customer service skills work?
--wait, I remember. The DMV or any other government agency.
3. Why do they sell food beyond snacks?
4. Why do people eat it?
5. Why is it so comfortable for people suffering from mental health issues to hang out there [though not at the prescription counter] but so uncomfortable for people coming to buy toilet tissue?
6. Where's the secret trap door to the manager's quarters? (because s/he never seems to be managing from the floor)
7. How come my Extra Care points never get me a discount on anything I need or actually use?

1. Do Black people need CNN's "BLACK IN AMERICA" to tell us what it's like to be black, or is this for white people?
2. Why is it that being pulled over on the high way feels like what I imagine is was like to be stopped by patrollers during slavery?
3. Is anyone else ready for the total extinction of Crocs and ultra low rise jeans?
4. How many Michael Jackson t-shirts do you want to buy & have you started saving for them yet?
5. Is anyone else besides me tired of the intrusion of technology and fascinated by al its capabilities simultaneously?
6. When will a show comparable to the Cosby Show come on so that this generation can see some positive family images somewhere?
7. Why is it that BET feels comfortable broadcasting the Presidential address between 106th and Park and Beauty Shop?

Ok, nothing serious. Just had to get that off my chest to make room for more. I'm sure "BLACK IN AMERICA" will lead me back to my chair.

It may be at a drag, but...

Watch me move.


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