Humble Offerings

I felt it only right to take a moment out to thank the friends that stand still on street corners, hang upside down on ladders and take 3rd degree cell phone burns to help talk me down off the ledges that will plummet me into my next fortified fortress against the world. Far different from taking a nose-dive into my own divinity, right?! It is because of you that I'm still present to be able to see my own divinity. You always remind me of "providence," and it ain't got nothin' to do with Rhode Island.

Those who spend time texting me and reading my words and then calling to check in to make sure I'm good--you deserve thanks too. Countless emails and early Saturday and Sunday morning conversations have kept me sane. The rides in the car, the couch sessions, & the back porches with a glass of vino have all been my cheap ass therapy. To those actually paying for some and sharing the work with me, this is for you!!

For anyone with a kind word, word of encouragement, shout out, comment, smile in passing, kiss on the cheek, kiss on the mouth, hug, or pat on the back that has ever soothed my soul...this too is for you.

And to anyone who has ever pushed me far enough to give up the ugly cry and question my every move, only to come out on the other side still standing--thanks for the inspiration to move on to yet another incarnation of my best self.

You are the gifts that life has given me outside of the ones I came here with. I treasure you.

Everyone has a job to do, thanks for doing yours. I love you!

Watch me move.


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