Shoe Personality of the Week: 9/07

It's September and the sun is setting earlier. Soon, the remix of Daylight Savings time will be in effect and our body clocks will be off for a few days. The nights are cooler and I'm beginning to carry a jacket in the backseat just in case. It's the transition to fall, another season has come and gone. This summer didn't feel like it ever officially came in, making its end harder for me to accept. I'm a summer girl who loves the kiss of the sun's rays on my shoulders. I love sandals and sundresses and would live in them if I could. I love the glow of my skin and the honey tones it takes on from June to September. I love the sensual feeling of humidity hugging my pores. It can be sticky and annoying, and lift your true scent like any good lover.
This shoe is my ode to the end of summer. I'm hanging onto its last days like the ankle strap. The black is both somber and funky. The metallic contrast is its own subtle resistance. That's me through and through.
The theme for this week is subtle resistance. I can't stop the approach of fall. But I can hold summer in my heart a little while longer.
Forever funky and always fly.
Watch me move.
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