Shoe Personality of the Week: 01/25/10

The shoe is called The Running Man.
If you're in the know, that's also the name of a throwback dance.
This weekend coming will be a throwback weekend.
The colors are a throwback to a city I love, and miss, and haven't been to in 15 years. New Orleans...I'm coming home.
Old crushes await. Old business to be wrapped up. Smiles I should've shared, but didn't will be fresh and ready this go round. We're older now and hopefully the petty differences of children have been chipped away. I dream of beignets and coffee. I can taste an oyster po'boy. I'm primed to suck heads & eat tails. [Dillard University] Bleu Devil basketball awaits, parties with old friends and a chance to make new friends from old faces.
I'm anxious to see my used-ta-be home. The campus that was the center of my world has been changed by time and circumstance and more time. I'm prepared to be slightly jealous of the benefits of modernity that didn't exist when my school was just a quaint Avenue of Oaks where families were created by people who shared no blood. I'm prepared to be proud to remember where we once were, Internet-free, WiFi not in existence, many calling home from pay phones. There was only the cafeteria to blame for your Freshman 15, your Sophomore 20, and so forth. Now there are unimaginable options. I can't wait to see if the squirrel who chewed off 1 leg is still running the yard, punkin' students out of their snack goods. I'm curious if Mani's skin is still a part of the tree he ran into playing Marco Polo. I wonder if the basketball team still posts up by the same bench and trash can. I want to know if Dino's survived Hurricane Katrina, hoping to get a snowball in the middle of the afternoon like we used to. Nothing like a rum-laced treat between classes; and this time I'll really be old enough to have one...though no one ever questioned.
There's an extra room waiting to be turned into a remixed FunHouse, a la the Marriott 1993 with lamps thrown across rooms and drunken sleep in closets. This time I won't pass out and miss most of the party. I've since learned not to mix alcohol and allergy meds. I want to dance the Jubilee All. I wanna bring back the P
I'm going to the Big Easy and I'm doing The Running Man on somebody's dance floor, maybe wearing Mardis Gras colors a couple weeks too soon. I'll be dancing at the Temple of My Familiar (Alice Walker reference for my literature lovers out there), reliving my childhood, glad to have evolved past it, never to forget the best time I ever had in my life.
Big Easy, lets get Greasy AWWWWREADY!!!
Watch me move.
PS-Image is nothing, thirst is everything. I see you thirsty ninjas AWWWWREADY!!
LOL! Good Stuff! Reminds me of my Hamptn Days! Freshman 15! I love it!
ReplyDeleteSeems like I need to go so you can make sure WE have absolutely no behavior.