Shoe Personality of the Week: 04/12/10


This is it. The series is done. Four weeks featuring the glory of the much sought after Red Bottoms. This end feels most appropriate. This platform beauty is understated, simple colors, a familiar form, and a take on an old favorite.

Patent leather used to make me feel like a big girl when I was little. The shiny thing connected me to grown-up affairs. After all, who else needed to shine when they went out but grown-ups? When grown-ups wanted you to be as shiny as they were, cuz they were taking you with them to the swanky affair and your look had to keep up, as a young girl patent leather was the go-to. My patent leather had buckles across the top to remind me and anyone else looking that I was a child. In my adult years, I’ve come to love and appreciate the benefits of a sexy ankle on a shoe. This buckle gives it to you the way a woman should: proudly, with purpose, functionality and class. If that ain’t how your lady does it, you might need to consider trading her in. Just joking. Wait. No…seriously…you might want to. The classic, sleek feel of the black patent leather marries itself to 3 shades of nude. The platform tells you to check for me at eye level, the nude striation is just subtle enough to make you comfortable with me, but edgy enough to let you know not to get too comfortable.

All this describes aspects of me. I’m a new take on an old concept.; the blending of colors and concepts that I’ve inherited from my parents. What you get is Them: The Remix. I’m classic. No white before Easter or after Labor Day. No boots in the summer. I like classic tennis shoes. I love Old Skool Hip Hop. I like my tea made from water boiled on the stovetop, not in the microwave. I prefer popcorn cooked in a pan. Gas stove over electric. Deep, porcelain tubs. Pitchers of lemonade in the summer. Yes ma'am/sir, No ma'am/sir. Kissing and holding hands. Letters sent and received by snail mail. Belts with pants with belt loops. No sex before I've at least learned your full name. Photo albums and scrapbooks. I prefer 3-Stripes down the leg to JUICY across my ass. You get the picture. Classic.

Just as this shoe is elegant and sexy it has an edge to it. Also like me. I have a hard candy coating but I’m more gooey than a Cadbury Egg on the inside. I’m all mush & feelings. That all gets cut short [you know, scissoredSlick Rick moment] when you put me on the Bullshit Train. Before I get off, I gotta put your nose deep in it where you thought I was gonna be dumb enough to chill. My 18-year old face notwithstanding, I will slice you and dice you if you take me there. I prefer to go with my softer side. [ do too.]

So to tie it all up with a nice neat bow, we started off with the Sophisticated Lady, Purple Reign in all its "crazy, sexy, cool" delish-ness, got Snakeskin Sanctified where you can praise the Lord or call out his name in fevah, and we’re ending with a Touch of Class. The Louboutin series has reminded me that a woman is as varied as her shoe collection, with just as many surprises. I hope most of them are pleasant for you AND me. Fellas, peep your lady’s shoe game and see what it confirms or reinforces for you about the woman she is. Ladies, take a good look at your collection [if you’re anything like me] and try to define who you are based on what you find there. Maybe it totally encompasses who you believe yourself to be. You might find that there’s a side of you that’s mis or underrepresented. I’m not one to encourage folks to spend where they normally wouldn’t, but it might be time to invest in your image and tell your full story---in its present font (I'm Matura MT Script Capitals) and in BOLD print.

Watch me move.

Post Script
-sending love to a friend who may or may not read. That doesn't matter because the sentiment still stands. She's experiencing a tough time right now and I'm wishing her the ability to find her own Grace Under Fire spirit to make it through for herself and her family. Love you, Sis!!


  1. Now every other shoe has been fantasy, but this shoe is ME. Sheeet, I had the much cheaper Bandolino version of it on last night. I too, know the wonders of patent leather. I kept a pair of black, pink, red, and blue ones with the strap and buckle on constant rotation as a child, but would get so excited when we would go and get the white pair. You see, those heralded the arrival of spring, which for me as a child always signaled new life. I guess as spring approaches this year, I am also celebrating new life. This shoe reminds me of times gone by and the magnificent ones that lay ahead.

    Thank you as usual for sharing your gift.


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