5 Seven 5

This week--yup, all 3 days of it--has been a test of my patience. I'm feeling calm, in that I'm not spewing & sputtering fits of angry words at the ears of the incompetent, but the fact that my back hurts REALLY BAD means I'm stressed. If this continues, my face will tighten up by midday tomorrow, the other place I hold stress. I don't want that. I feel as though the ring leader of us all is due for some hate mail, but I'm pretty sure all it'll do is point a spotlight at me--something I DON'T NEED while I figure out my new station in my career. So, instead, I'll release a little tension by getting some things off my chest. In haiku form.
To That Dude
glad i did not come
to see you front like we are
all good when we ain't
Workplace Prayer
deliverance is
required for me to survive
this and not hurt you
if not me than you
so, i must choose me over
you to remain sane
Silver Lining
goodness looks like me
never listening to you
chew in surround sound
I've Been Thinking...
witches belong in
judy garland movies, not
running school systems
Rant over.
Watch me move.
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