Shoe Personality of the Week: 9/27/2010

Last night, Big Slim & I got together to wish Summer farewell. As of the 21st, calendrically speaking, Fall fell in. The daytime high still crept into the "hot" range & had some of us revisiting using the A/C. Summer's working the day shift & Fall has come in as the night relief. This, of course, means that a sandal can still be snuck in for a few more days (perhaps even well into October for the daring) before making the transition into boots. Some fashion
I will miss the ultra feminine construction of a sandal. They can appear so demure, so sweet & angelic. The sandal carries itself with soft confidence, where the flip flop kinda stomps around, defying all rules of style. This beauty boasts other feminine touches, despite the lack of true area to work with. There's a little bedazzling (for you Auntie) that manages not to dive into the tacky pool. There's the subtle side strap, far less obvious than the standard buckle usually found on this style of sandal. The nude leather paired with the flower's yellow & brown makes this a great Fall transition sandal. & last, but not least, is my favorite detail of all: the [probably] faux crocigator foot bed. I'm saddened that I never purchased these. Ahhhh well.
This sandal perfectly ushers in the Fall. A new season brings all kinds of changes to the way things are done. It gets darker & stays darker longer. I've found a great deal of peace, especially, in those early morning hours, moving about the dark in a state of meditative silence to start my day. I go to work clear headed & ready for the challenges of the day. Well, there's that & my increased [vitamin] B-complex. It's a wonderful time to sit quietly or walk through a nature [p]reserve & listen to the god/dess in you. Just beware of the Stink Bug epidemic. They will destroy your peace. Perhaps all you need is to get 1 last "summery" pedicure & strut your favorite pair of sandals with your best sundress (keep a jacket at hand) & attract he who will be Candidate #1 for CuddleBunny Season.
If you're like me, at the 1/2way mark in your
The basic point is that every season has its purpose. After all of the, I hope, adventure of the Summer, Fall is moving in for the take over to make yo' behind "saddown!" Our bodies will begin to slow down & seek that rest that only bears seem to be able to manage today. The rest of us should be doing something close to hibernating but unless bills can hibernate too, our bank accounts cannot. Find that thing you always mean to do but never get to. Make it happen this Fall. It's what He's here for.
Watch me move.
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