Shoe Personality of the Week: 10/11/2010

Strappy open toed shoes are all the rage right now. In my opinion, which no one has asked me for, we’ve gone overboard with it. Everybody is trying to identify with the rocker chick on TV, not really finding 1 inside, & just taking care to buy the costume. Rocker chicks apparently all wear shoes that would make any pole dancer worth her weight in $1’s blush. I blame this all on Rihanna.

Truly bad girls are about as obvious as true millionaires. You can’t make us them out because they’re actually NOT wearing the Bad Girl costume. In the same token, the truly wealthy can be found shopping at Target & driving Nissan Sentras. The point: it ain’t ya bizness. True bad girls know that information is between her & the people in her circle & anyone close enough to read the YKK on the zipper of her jeans that came from Target if she’s also a millionaire.

I like straps as much as the next woman, & I certainly adore a good open toe. I’ve just decided that while everyone else is auditioning to be the next “it” girl at Stadium, I’m looking to segregate via the shoe game. The cutie above is classic & classy. The wooden semi-wedge platform is retro with a little less chunk. The leather comes down to the sole, covering up the thick base & keeping it very feminine. Speaking of femininity, nothing’s more feminine than an ankle strap & a dainty buckle. This is a winner with pants & certainly would shine a golden spotlight on any woman’s calves in pencil skirt.

Think pretty. It’s what I feel just looking at this shoe. It actually inspires me to continue reaching my own goal of appearing more girly. I’m very feminine but my aesthetic is often born of comfort seeking. While my personal style is multifaceted, you could potentially run up on me 3 or more days a week with a rubber soled something on. I was inspired recently by a girlfriend to try to overhaul my wardrobe to make it about 80% dresses. It’s my personal testament to when you could really tell girls from women, & even women from men. All these girls out here with fades, bound breasts & sagging jeans make me want to differentiate. All these dudes in skinny jeans make me wonder if I as a woman should actually wear them at all. Neither of those 2 sects of the population are racing to take back dresses so I guess I’ll go for it.
Enjoy this 1. We’re gaining on mid-October. This weekend was gorgeous & open toe appropriate, but these days are numbered. Squeeze out 1 more good 1 before it’s time to caress the toesies in tube & sock. Get you some strap & sass, & remember even crass can come with a little class. Bad Girls strap up!! Double entendre.

Watch me move.


  1. "even crass can come with a little class." I will be using this line form here on out - with credit given of course.


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