Let the Countdown Begin!

In 20 more days I’ll start another astrological revolution. Per usual, I have some ideas of what I want to do but I haven’t really slowed down long enough to figure out how to celebrate myself. I do this every year & somehow manage to let it all go by without proper fanfare. I revel in the calls from the Usual Suspects—awww, you remembered--& sometimes stew about 1 or 2 that I didn’t receive—how in the hell did YOU forget? Truth of the matter is, the older I get & more hectic my life becomes I find myself more & more on the Forgetful Jones (Sesame Street reference) side of things. Embarrassed & ashamed.

I made a promise to myself, somewhere in here, to do a better job of celebrating ME! Unfortunately, my very most personal celebration falls during a season that wears me out emotionally. Since the Holiday Break I’ve been planning my birthday excursion. How far have I gotten in the plans? Knowing I want to plan something. Wait, I did actually research the places. Then I lost the information I wrote down, never re-did the research, finally found the sheet, & then made no calls. Gee. Double Oh. Dee. Jay. Oh. Bee.

What I really need right now is to be airlifted up out of this gray mess that has descended upon the Northeast. My work schedule doesn’t allow for the kinda time I need ‘way from here. So, in the interest of Gas & Electric, I push on. I need something to distract me so I’ve decided to make a birthday wish list. I don’t actually expect any of these things, which would make all of them the bomb diggity if I actually received any of them. Proceed:

1. iPad. I’m all about all things Apple. Why not go hard & get the thing that’s better than the iPhone—which I don’t have & won’t.

2. Kindle. If I can’t have an iPad, I don’t mind taking a step down.

3. Class Card to any African Dance class in the city that’s not run by Mel…, uhmmmm…African Heri…, uhmmm... I’ll do Kankouran, Ubuntu Nankama, or Dance Place.

4. All expenses paid trip to Anywhere But Here. Wait…that could be misinterpreted; Lawd knows I have some ridiculous friends. I’d like to go someplace sunny, beachy, & warm. I’d like to not look down & see my Winter Whites skin.

5. Amazon.com gift card (email/print out…). My bookshelf doesn’t have too much space left on it, but I’d like to fill what’s available. & actually read the books. I’ve been reading Ishmael for what seems like the entire Winter. By Summer I hope to have plowed through it and be able to get to the 2 books that are sitting collecting dust. I’d rather have books laying in wait than to have no unread books on the shelf.

6. A gift card to Beadazzled, $40 & up. I want to go take an Intro to Beading class. I’ve done some lightweight stuff playing around, but I want to learn the real to real so I can take my hobby to the next level. Even if I never make jewelry for anyone but me--& you if you get me the gift card—it will be worth it.

7. Dope t-shirts. If you know me well, you should be able to look at a message tee & know instantly whether it screams my name or it’s just cute.

8. Tickets to the Legends of Hip Hop tour, Baltimore please. I want to go, but Kurtis Blow being on the marquee just doesn’t allow me to hit submit on my payment for these tix. I didn’t dig Kurtis when he was out…I certainly can’t stomach him for a fee when he’s no longer relevant.

9. Round trip airfare to New Orleans for the Jazz Festival. It’s in May, giving you a little time to get your weight up if you’re going to make this move on my behalf.

10. Dinner. If you & I haven’t sat across the table from each other in a long time, or even EVER, I’m open to it now. Let me know where to be & when to be there.

11. A coloring book. Not no BS coloring book with really big pictures that only requires like 3 crayons per page. I want a for real coloring book with intricate lines that requires real thought.

12. Photo shoot. I’ve stopped enjoying taking pictures. That doesn’t stop me from chasing the ultimate dope shot of my self. I also want to do a shoot with my twin cousin & my daughter. I want to see us represented on my walls. I’d also like to do it with Da Mudda & the Baby Sis. My family is up in my spot but only in the retro-goodness of pics flashed before 1980.

They say beggars can’t be choosers & a closed mouth doesn't get fed. 1 thing I’ve barely been able to do is ask for help so I certainly don’t know a thing about runnin’ down a list of things I feel entitled to. This is just for fun. I’ll be shocked & amazed if anything I want off of this list or the 1 you may run for me in your mind or heart makes it to my hands. A girl can dream though, right?

Watch me move.


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