Shoe Personality of the Week: 8/07/2011

I don’t have a lot to say. In fact I’m conflicted. It’s the beginning of the 2nd week of August. It’s the final week of Summer for me. For those of you who don’t actually get Summer’s off, this means nothing to you & you aren’t trying to understand my pain. & if you have children, you’re probably chuckling at my expense right now, giddy at the idea of releasing your children unto the public yet again & having less responsibility to their time & presence. You people & those damn Back To School commercials are the bane of my existence right now. You’re up under my skin like a splinter.

So, I don’t know what to do. Do I post a shoe that honors the last few days of my favorite season? Do I post a shoe that brings the image of mourning to life—a funereal shoe? Or do I post a track shoe to symbolize my desire to run in the opposite direction, toward somewhere in the world where Summer will begin as ours ends? Do I post some Back To School shoe for kids & lament the struggles I foresee?

Imma tell my inner Cleo to shut her mout’ & resist the urge to conjure my sprinter days. I ain’t no punk, no pussy, no bitch, no shit like that. I’ll leave death to someone else & I guess I’ll just go with what I like.

Espadrilles. Wedges. The combo. Another one.

Personality: Fun. Have some before you can’t anymore… & to my teacher friends/fans/followers/lurkers, get it IN before they show up to take you DOWN!!

Watch me move.


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