Shoe Personality of the Week: 8/22/2011 I'm late. But my lateness kinda relates to the Shoe Personality. & I don't even know why I'm offering you an explanation because I do THIS for me. It's a reminder for me of what's going on AND it marries my love of shoes with the reasons why I love them: they have so much depth & meaning.
That...or I have an addiction. Either/or.
So, if you live in Chocolate City, or even just the #NorfEass you know that the heavens poured down upon dat azz yesterday. Actually, for the last few days, leaving behind all kindsa power outages & stalled plans. One power outage don't stop no show--though it WILL stop your Innanet--so I did NOT miss my dinner date, my back to school haircut & pedi, nor my attendance at one of my closest girlfriend's surprise B-day BBQ. & it encouraged some cuddle time but that ain'tcha bizness.
Lemme offer you some herstory. In the Spring I happened to be at the mall for reasons I can't remember because I DETEST malls. I was moved by centrifugal force into the Cole Haan store where I found these beauties:
Do you feel the love? Well the love was pricey, after IS Cole Haan. I decided I'd wait a bit & catch 'em on sale. Fast forward to like last Monday or Tuesday. Back at the mall accompanyin' B.B. on a search for his next tech splurge. Shoe whores that we both are, both of us started to kinda twitch a lil bit as we walked by Cole Haan. He suggested that I go in, as though he was satisfying MY jones, but he got served too. There was some Fall boot deliciousness goin' on that made my wallet sputter & choke when I considered actually buying them. To soothe my shoe starved soul, I remembered that I'd never checked back on the above rain shoe. I immediately rushed home to look them up online since they were no longer in the store. My heart smiled gleefully when I found them in the Sale section on the site. & then it happened. They were only available 2 sizes smaller than what I wear. Got%a7*$!!! Then I remembered they came in 3 colors: yellow, red & brown. Just look for the other colors, Ndygo!!
I found 1 of the 2 colors, but it too was unavailable so I'm puttin' 'em both here so I can come back & look at them when I want.
At this point you may be wondering what the hell the Personality is. Well, it's layered.
1. Be clear what you want, but be clearer about your needs. At the same time, take the time to be good to Self when necessary so you can stay in the good fight.
2. Reminders. If your memory is anything like mine, you can't remember a thing without a system anymore. Thanks to teaching & the Adult A.D.D. it has afforded me, I can't function without stickie notes, calendars, phone alarms, etc. It's really sad. I have pieces of paper everywhere, & sometimes I forget to look at them as well. This week's blog schedule is on a piece of paper in front of me right now. I'll cover it accidentally & you won't read nunnadat this week.
3. Not everything has to make sense to anyone but you. clearly doesn't make sense to wear rain shoes. At the point that it's raining, it's usually not just the feet but the anklage that needs to be kept dry. But dambit if those shoes ain't dopeness!!
4. Sometimes you gotta stay dry. Now, I did just say that these shoes ain't gon' keep too much moisture-free. But rock with the concept. Oftentimes we're searching for the right time to jump out on faith. Sometimes we need to be still & listen (to the storm). Water cleanses things, including our minds. You need peace of mind? Go by the water & chill. Then you figure out how to jump out on faith without hitting your head on a rock & drowing. #ImJessayin #ThankMeLater
5. Be cute/phunky/stylish. No matter what's going on in my world, whether I like what's happening or not, I like to be cute FOR ME! The rest of you benefit when I'm not out in these streets looking like I'm tryna become a ward of the state. So fresh & so clean is a state of mind that can be affected by how you dress & adorn your body. Give me a hot shoe, some big earrings & some beautiful wristacles (bracelets to you laymen) & I'm GOOD!!
This is 1 of my 3 personal New Years. The return to school sparks many feelings. It is imperative that I remind myself in as many places as possible to continue to treat myself beautifully if I intend to feel beautiful. I must take care of my body, mind, & spirit. &...on occasion, I can make offerings at the altar of Me. Some folks spray gin; some folks burn incense; some folks leave plates. I happen to buy shoes.
Watch me move.
That...or I have an addiction. Either/or.
So, if you live in Chocolate City, or even just the #NorfEass you know that the heavens poured down upon dat azz yesterday. Actually, for the last few days, leaving behind all kindsa power outages & stalled plans. One power outage don't stop no show--though it WILL stop your Innanet--so I did NOT miss my dinner date, my back to school haircut & pedi, nor my attendance at one of my closest girlfriend's surprise B-day BBQ. & it encouraged some cuddle time but that ain'tcha bizness.
Lemme offer you some herstory. In the Spring I happened to be at the mall for reasons I can't remember because I DETEST malls. I was moved by centrifugal force into the Cole Haan store where I found these beauties:

Do you feel the love? Well the love was pricey, after IS Cole Haan. I decided I'd wait a bit & catch 'em on sale. Fast forward to like last Monday or Tuesday. Back at the mall accompanyin' B.B. on a search for his next tech splurge. Shoe whores that we both are, both of us started to kinda twitch a lil bit as we walked by Cole Haan. He suggested that I go in, as though he was satisfying MY jones, but he got served too. There was some Fall boot deliciousness goin' on that made my wallet sputter & choke when I considered actually buying them. To soothe my shoe starved soul, I remembered that I'd never checked back on the above rain shoe. I immediately rushed home to look them up online since they were no longer in the store. My heart smiled gleefully when I found them in the Sale section on the site. & then it happened. They were only available 2 sizes smaller than what I wear. Got%a7*$!!! Then I remembered they came in 3 colors: yellow, red & brown. Just look for the other colors, Ndygo!!
I found 1 of the 2 colors, but it too was unavailable so I'm puttin' 'em both here so I can come back & look at them when I want.

At this point you may be wondering what the hell the Personality is. Well, it's layered.
1. Be clear what you want, but be clearer about your needs. At the same time, take the time to be good to Self when necessary so you can stay in the good fight.
2. Reminders. If your memory is anything like mine, you can't remember a thing without a system anymore. Thanks to teaching & the Adult A.D.D. it has afforded me, I can't function without stickie notes, calendars, phone alarms, etc. It's really sad. I have pieces of paper everywhere, & sometimes I forget to look at them as well. This week's blog schedule is on a piece of paper in front of me right now. I'll cover it accidentally & you won't read nunnadat this week.
3. Not everything has to make sense to anyone but you. clearly doesn't make sense to wear rain shoes. At the point that it's raining, it's usually not just the feet but the anklage that needs to be kept dry. But dambit if those shoes ain't dopeness!!
4. Sometimes you gotta stay dry. Now, I did just say that these shoes ain't gon' keep too much moisture-free. But rock with the concept. Oftentimes we're searching for the right time to jump out on faith. Sometimes we need to be still & listen (to the storm). Water cleanses things, including our minds. You need peace of mind? Go by the water & chill. Then you figure out how to jump out on faith without hitting your head on a rock & drowing. #ImJessayin #ThankMeLater
5. Be cute/phunky/stylish. No matter what's going on in my world, whether I like what's happening or not, I like to be cute FOR ME! The rest of you benefit when I'm not out in these streets looking like I'm tryna become a ward of the state. So fresh & so clean is a state of mind that can be affected by how you dress & adorn your body. Give me a hot shoe, some big earrings & some beautiful wristacles (bracelets to you laymen) & I'm GOOD!!
This is 1 of my 3 personal New Years. The return to school sparks many feelings. It is imperative that I remind myself in as many places as possible to continue to treat myself beautifully if I intend to feel beautiful. I must take care of my body, mind, & spirit. &...on occasion, I can make offerings at the altar of Me. Some folks spray gin; some folks burn incense; some folks leave plates. I happen to buy shoes.
Watch me move.
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