Music Challenge: Day 10

Note: Reserving the right to focus on the challenge & cancelling the Shoe Personality…at least for this week.

Day 10: a song that makes you fall asleep
This is going to be short. It’s a holiday Monday—for me--& I really am not going to waste too much of this beautiful October day sitting in this chair. Imma hit you with 2 songs though.

I don’t remember which friend, but somebody put me on to Adriana Evans, raving ‘bout how good the sista’s CD is. I got it & swear I couldn’t stay awake through it. So, what’d I do? I started putting it on at bedtime. End of story. Pause for a 2nd selection & then you can judge for yourself whether it’s snooze worthy for you as well.

The 2nd song comes from an obvious choice: Corinne Bailey Rae. WHO HASN’T fallen asleep to 1 of her songs? When she & John Legend toured together a few years back, Baby Sis & I nicknamed it the Insomniacs Tour. Well, while I was busy trying to avoid her music, The Ex was all into her. This dude don’t even love R&B (or whatever category she falls under) like that. He & I are both Hip Hop Heads & vibed really well on our love of the boom bap. So for him to come home with Corinne Bailey Rae’s CD was a little more than shocking. Even more so was the fact that he ran it day & night. If he was home he was playin’ it & I was resisting the move toward narcolepsy. I was finally able to get him to only play it at bedtime to make it more judicious for us both. He enjoyed falling asleep to music & I enjoyed music that made me sleepy at sleep time. This sounds like an easy fix but The Ex would just as easily put on Mobb Deep for bed. I had to fight for logical choices.

Here’s your opportunity to sample my former nighttime soundtrack & perhaps incorporate it into your own. These days…I choose to fall asleep to the musical sounds of silence.

Watch me groove.

& then


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