Music Challenge: Day 18

Day 18-a song you wish you heard on the radio

Once I accepted that I liked some of the music played on the "Adult" stations that advertise things like 35 & over cards, I was able to occasionally have a good radio experience. There are certain occasions when you turn on the radio & it does you jesssss right. Whatever's on your mind is eased, slowed down, & then gingerly put aside for a song that takes you back...way back. I love it when I'm driving & take a risk on a Sunday evening & catch 1 of Whitney's songs off of her 1st album or some classic Luther or Freddie Jackson. When those songs are on, I'm reminded yet again of being a little girl & vibin' soooo hard with the words like I was actually the old soul the adults around me claimed I was. "She's been here before." Maybe I was channeling heart love & heart breaks from other life times. I'on'treallyknow. But I felt those songs at my 8, 9...10 year old core. I'm transported back to my grandmother's basement, playing in the bar with the beaded curtains, fingering all the old 45's & the album covers in my mother's record collection. It was my own little world, just big enough for me to stretch out comfortably or for the Baby Sis & I to sit up in it together.

This song, Share My World by Mary J. Blige, didn't even get released as a single, so it never made it to video status. Actually, the whole album, named after the song I'm sharing, managed not to give a lot of singles, but it offered a few nice surprises--because I was getting off the MJB wagontrain by this time. It's 1 of those songs that, while I love the way it reminds me of lots of love felt & shared, it doesn't make me feel like it's specific to any one Him or period in my life. It makes me wanna be at a basement party holdin' on to whoever He happens to be at the time. Not grinding, but slow bopping in the warmth of the love--we hope--or great like you're sharing in that space & time. The song is both declaration & offer. I know the feeling well....

Watch me groove.


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