Shoe Personality of the Week: 12/23/2013

Welp...looks like 2013 is almost done for. Its R.I.P. date is slated for next week, & according to summa y'all, it did much more than just kill the club.

It seems trendy for folks to go in at the end of each year, complaining about how that year kicked individual & collective ass. From time to time, that has indeed been real spit, but I'm not so sure how genuine a sentiment that is anymore. If it is absolutely your truth, that the year's end for the last few or the last several have been the welcomed end to some torturous days & nights, then please do continue to send out invitations to your pity party. But if you're tired of every year stealing your joy, it might be time to look in the mirror & see what YOU are doing wrong.

I'd be willing to bet it's the glasses you choose to wear or the cup you choose to drink out of. Are your glasses cloudy all the time, making everything before you & behind you look like a shit storm? Is your cup constantly half empty? If you haven't heard it before: CHANGE YOUR PERSPECTIVE, Dawg!! & then check on whether you're the greatest common denominator to your isht going wrong. Are you half assin? Do you approach things half cocked? Is your commitment half in? Did you honestly believe you were only goin half on a baby?

Whatever it is you think you want out here, you have to put in this work.
Now look at the shoe.

See what I did there?
It's time for you to lace up & get into the work of your own life. If at the end of 365 days all you can see is someone else's faults in how your year turned out, it might be time to examine the decisions you make & the company you keep. Difficult & bad aren't the same thing, so keep that in mind too as you get all comfy in your reflection chair.

Now that you know you can't be a bystander in your own life, allowing other people, places, & things to steal your thunder or your glory, find a comfortable work boot & be about the business of improving your quality of life. The end of the year is always a good time to figure out what you need to change, but look too at the things that WORKED. I promise you something did. & while you're at it, take a drink or a toke, light a candle or dance a jig in honor of that shit!! CELEBRASHON, BITCHES!! After the party is done, when the last song has played, you should know what you're taking into the coming year & what needs to be left behind. You should know what you want to get out of the coming year instead of simply walking blindly into it. Set some goals. Create a mission statement. State your vision & see something through. Dream & dream big! Work & work HARD! & when your birthday comes back around, be prepared to do the same again--unless your birthday happens during this holiday season. In that case, check in on your half birthday (6 months after ya birthday, for those none too swift) & assess your progress.

Be honest.
Be realistic.
& be forgiving of self.

Wishing you a Happy Merry whatever you celebrate & peace of mind if you don't celebrate a thing. & wishing you the very best TwennyFo'teen!!

Watch me move.


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