Shoe Personality of the Week: 1/6/2014

We're 6 days in to the TwennyFo'teen. & in case you didn't know what happens in January, Mom Naycha decided to pull her big drawls down & show her WHOLE ASS! In short, it's col'as hail outside!
As 1 who hates the cold--like despise, abhor, detest, loathe the cold!--it just doesn't make sense, this season we call Winter. What's funny is that I am laughing at the irony of January being the start of a New Year & when we typically resolve to do better with things.
Like exercise.
I LOVE exercise. But I hate gym fees, sweaty shared equipment & working out by myself or with strangers. I hate tryna read equipment diagrams & figuring out just how in the hell to use each contraption. I hate being asked by older women, "why are YOU here?" I hate wondering the same for the skeletons that are doing laps in the pool or running within an inch of their anorexic deaths, only to feel like, "Eff it. If they ain't gon' eat the sandwich, somebody should."
Like you, I've set some fitness goals. & I'm doing it group style cuz while I'm an introvert, I ain't no exercise loner. I NEED someone pushing me & yelling at me & laughing at or with me & encouraging me & group side-eyeing trainers & cursing under & over our breaths together. I NEED THAT! Sweat ain't no fun if the homies cain't have none.
The fitness challenge I'm doing requires that I participate in some very specific exercise which means I have to leave my house. Did I mention the temperature is on its way to unmentionable for the part of the country I live in? This is the city formerly known as Chocolate City & we're more likely to do hot chocolate than iced. On top of that, I'm a hibernator by nature. I think being born in February learned me to come out in search of warmth fresh out the womb.
So now, Mom Naycha is having quite the chuckle at my expense. In 40 minutes I need to arrive for group
Sexy shred is some other program but please believe I'm bout to earn mine.
Watch me move.
Post Script- anybody interested in sending me these Tory Burch shearling duck boots, I accept fan gifts & I wear I size 7 in women's.
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