42 + 5 = 47 Things I KNOW at 47
I’m incredibly observant, which has lead to great wisdom. Also, I am stuck in my
memories while having the standard challenged memory of someone halfway through
the lifespan I’ve decided I’ll be here for. Summa this shit just ain’t important
enough to take up space. As a writer who often needs this space just to be able
to breathe, sometimes I exhale & move on to new air space, but that doesn’t
negate the importance of those breaths. You feel me? There hasn’t been a lot
poppin’ off in this space over the last few years but of the things that have
are 2 of my favorite collections of personal wisdom. For my 42.5 birthday I
things that I KNEW with great certainty by that big age. Well, some years
later & at an even bigger age, I reread my own wisdom & it was just what I
needed to hear. Do you trust your own voice? Curious because professionally I
work with people who don’t, ever, trust their own voice, meanwhile I’m something
beyond grateful that I trust mine. No reason to run down all the numbers that
stood out for me as necessary to tap back into, especially cuz I hyperlinked em
for you to make your own assessments. Do know that some of them are instructing
me to come back here, or plant a new flag in a new virtual space that is
inspired by ‘here’. When I was busy dismissing the importance of this space
because I don’t always have the capacity to be as consistent with posting as I
absorbed by the pacing of others that I was supposed to have. That was clunky &
maybe you need to read it one more time. I’ll pause.
In short, I allowed
comparison to eat me up. I was younger then so we’ll blame it on my youth. In
the process of dismissing my SELF, I poo poo’d the idea of purchasing the domain
name for my blog & making it a dot com. Here we are, mad late, & now I wanna do
the thing I was too shook to do before & it’s not even possible to get a dot
com. There are a lot of other dots available, but the kind of person I am
doesn’t wanna be associated with the randomness of what they come together to
mean cuz these extensions are mad specific in their purpose. I don’t want nobody
confused about where they’ve arrived at based on the extension… & as I’m typing
these words they sound a lil wild to me too. Imma have to figure this out. OR be
about embracing change. Cuz maybe I don’t need to be purchase the apartment I
lived in in my early 30s & it’s time to buy the house that accommodates who I am
now. 2022 has already been the year of leaps so this might be the most
appropriate use, for me, for “keep that same energy.” In the meantime, between
now & figuring out where TF Imma land these words & things, I think I owe it to
myself to add the things I’ve learned in the last 5 years to the mix cuz I don’t
know when I’ll need my own wisdom again.
42+5= 47 things I KNOW, starting at #43:
43. Beginnings often masquerade as endings. 44. Beware of seats at the table.
One of the easiest ways to get stabbed is by sitting next to a person holding
cutlery. 45. Let your folks show you how much they love you & stare that love
deep in its eyes. That’s your mirror. 46. The hard shit really is a master class
& you’re a star student. 47. Get those idea out of your head & in motion. It
really doesn’t even matter how far the ideas go, but how much you’re willing to
bet on yourself. Per usual,
Watch me move.
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