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42 + 5 = 47 Things I KNOW at 47

I’m incredibly observant, which has lead to great wisdom. Also, I am stuck in my memories while having the standard challenged memory of someone halfway through the lifespan I’ve decided I’ll be here for. Summa this shit just ain’t important enough to take up space. As a writer who often needs this space just to be able to breathe, sometimes I exhale & move on to new air space, but that doesn’t negate the importance of those breaths. You feel me? There hasn’t been a lot poppin’ off in this space over the last few years but of the things that have are 2 of my favorite collections of personal wisdom. For my 42.5 birthday I dropped 21 + 21 things that I KNEW with great certainty by that big age. Well, some years later & at an even bigger age, I reread my own wisdom & it was just what I needed to hear. Do you trust your own voice? Curious because professionally I work with people who don’t, ever, trust their own voice, meanwhile I’m something beyond grateful that I tru...

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